We are thrilled that after the long postponement of sporting events the Thomas's community has embraced back to back weekend fundraisers, with the London Marathon taking place on 3rd October and Royal Parks Half Marathon on 10th October.
True to the spirit of community at Thomas's we have members of staff, parents and alumni across all schools participating. Each challenging their personal best and each with their own story.
Listed below are all those running with links to their page. To the runners giving up their time, we say thank you and, for those supporting from the sidelines, please do read on, see who you know and click through to spur them on - we wish them all the very best of luck!
The London Marathon - 3rd October
Simon O'Malley
Nicholas Frankopan
Oliver Woodcock
Royal Parks Half Marathon - 10th October
Hannah Gilbert
Nicholas Frankopan
Nikki May